Cracking GitHub PR Templates: Your Guide to Skyrocketing Collaboration

Pieter Herman
7 min readNov 27, 2023

Have you ever been swamped by a sea of disorganized pull requests? If so, you’re not alone. In the bustling world of GitHub, pull requests are the essential cogs that keep the wheels of collaboration turning. Yet, let’s face it — without a system, they can quickly spiral into a tangle of confusion.

It’s time to turn the tide. What if I told you that with a few tweaks, we could transform this chaos into a streamlined symphony of efficiency? That’s right — the secret lies in harnessing the power of well-crafted pull request templates.

Demystifying Pull Request Templates

In the dynamic realm of software development, successful collaboration is the key to greatness, and GitHub stands as the ultimate arena. However, with this incredible power of collaboration comes a significant responsibility: the art of seamless and effective communication. This is where Pull Request Templates step into the limelight.

The Blueprint of Efficiency

Think of a Pull Request Template as your roadmap in the complex journey of collaboration. It’s a thoughtfully pre-defined structure that guides contributors to articulate precisely what they are bringing to the table. Here’s what it typically includes:

  • The ‘Why’ and ‘What’: A clear summary of the changes and the reasons behind them.
  • Change Type: Whether it’s a bug fix, a new feature, or a documentation refresh.
  • Testing Tales: Insights into the testing strategies employed and the outcomes thereof.
  • Links and Lore: Any relevant references or resources that add context to your contributions.

Streamlining for Success

The ultimate aim? To standardise the way we propose changes. This means crafting a narrative that’s not just comprehensive but also coherent and concise, paving the way for smoother reviews and more effective collaborations.

Crafting Top-Notch Pull Requests: Beyond Code

Mastering the art of pull requests is akin to telling a compelling story. It’s not just about the code; it’s about painting a clear picture of your changes for collaborators. Ready to write a PR story that stands out? Here are some golden rules:

Be Crystal Clear

  • Lay It Out: Like a good story, make sure your PR has a beginning (what’s the issue?), a middle (what have you done about it?), and an end (what should happen next?). Clarity is king.

Connect the Dots

  • Link It Up: Got issues or tickets related to your PR? Link them! It’s like leaving breadcrumbs for reviewers to follow the trail of your thought process.

Show, Don’t Just Tell

  • Visual Proof: Whenever you can, throw in screenshots or GIFs, especially if you’re tinkering with the UI. Show off the fruits of your labour.

Make It Squeaky Clean

  • Code Hygiene: Keep your code tidy. Follow style guides, lint your code, and remember, clean code is happy code.

Be Ready for the Spotlight

  • Prep for Review: Before you hit ‘create pull request’, take a moment. Look over your changes as if you’re the pickiest reviewer on the planet. Be your own critic.

Let’s Talk Impact

  • Ripple Effect: Ponder on how your changes might ripple through the codebase. Think dependencies, performance, and don’t forget to mention these in the PR.

The Final Polish

  • Checklist Time: Whip up a quick checklist in your PR. Did you run all the tests? Update the docs? Dot your i’s and cross your t’s.

Fostering Positive Feedback

Code Review © 2023

The way we interact in Pull Request’s can make a huge difference. Feedback in Pull Request’s is more than just a few words; it’s about building a culture where everyone grows. Let’s dive a bit deeper:

Embrace Kindness Like It’s Going Out of Style

  • Empathy First: Put yourself in the shoes of the person on the other side. Gentle feedback can turn a good project into a great one.
  • In the Words of Research: Studies in organisational behaviour, like those by Daniel Goleman, highlight that empathy and understanding significantly boost team morale and productivity.

The Art of Asking

  • Encourage Exploration: Questions encourage a deeper understanding. “How does this approach work with our existing codebase?” is more inviting than a flat-out “This won’t work.”
  • Scientifically Speaking: According to a study in the Harvard Business Review, teams that engage in exploratory conversation are more likely to tap into innovative solutions.

Gratitude — More Than Just Good Manners

  • Acknowledge Effort: Recognising someone’s hard work can be incredibly motivating. Even a simple acknowledgement can foster a positive team environment.
  • Research Agrees: A study by Adam Grant and Francesca Gino shows that gratitude increases not only happiness but also productivity.

The Balanced Feedback Approach

  • Find the Good: Start with something positive. This isn’t just flattery; it’s about setting a constructive tone.
  • Then, the Constructive: Offer your critique in a way that’s helpful, not hurtful. Remember, it’s about the code, not the coder.
  • End on a High: Conclude with a positive or encouraging remark. This isn’t just feel-good; it’s strategic. According to research by Sheryl Sandberg, this approach leads to a more open reception of feedback.

Feedback is a Two-Way Street

  • Encourage Reciprocity: Invite feedback on your own contributions. This not only improves your work but also creates an environment of mutual respect and continuous improvement.
  • The Research Backs It Up: Studies in reciprocal behaviour suggest that this mutual exchange enhances team cohesion and trust.

Why Use PR Templates?

Imagine wading through a sea of pull requests, each formatted differently. It’s chaotic and inefficient. PR Templates are your ticket to clarity and efficiency. They ensure each pull request is thorough, clear, and ready for review.

Crafting Your Pull Request Template

Let’s get down to brass tacks. Creating a PR template is straightforward and highly effective.

Step 1: Kickoff with a File

Start with creating a in your repository.

Step 2: Structuring Your Template

Consider what makes an excellent pull request — title, change description, type of change, testing, and additional notes.

Here’s an example:

# Pull Request Template

## Title
[Provide a succinct and descriptive title for the pull request, e.g., "Improve caching mechanism for API calls"]

## Type of Change
- [ ] New feature
- [ ] Bug fix
- [ ] Documentation update
- [ ] Refactoring
- [ ] Hotfix
- [ ] Security patch
- [ ] UI/UX improvement

## Description
[Provide a detailed explanation of the changes you have made. Include the reasons behind these changes and any relevant context. Link any related issues.]

## Testing
[Detail the testing you have performed to ensure that these changes function as intended. Include information about any added tests.]

## Impact
[Discuss the impact of your changes on the project. This might include effects on performance, new dependencies, or changes in behaviour.]

## Additional Information
[Any additional information that reviewers should be aware of.]

## Checklist
- [ ] My code adheres to the coding and style guidelines of the project.
- [ ] I have performed a self-review of my own code.
- [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas.
- [ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation.
- [ ] My changes generate no new warnings

Step 3: Placing Your Template

Put your in a .github folder in your repository.

Step 4: Tailoring and Tweaking

Remember, your PR template is adaptable. Change it as your project evolves.

Discovering the Templates: Dive Into Your GitHub Toolkit

Curious to see these templates in real-life action? Swing by my PR-Template-Guide on GitHub, where a treasure trove of ready-made templates awaits your exploration.

How to Navigate to the Goldmine:

Once you land in the repository:

  1. The First Click: Direct yourself to the .github folder.
  2. The Treasure Trove: Dive into the PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE directory.
  3. The Reveal: And there they are! A variety of templates for every need and occasion.

Picking the Perfect Template:

Selecting the ideal template for your PR is as easy as pie:

  1. Start Off Standard: Kick off your pull request in the usual way.
  2. A Simple URL Tweak: On the ‘Compare’ page, just tack on ? to the URL, replacing TEMPLATE_NAME with your chosen template’s name.
  3. Voilà — Template Magic: Watch as your selected template springs to life in the PR description.

Good to Know: Haven’t chosen a specific template? No worries. GitHub will default to using

Making the Most of the Templates:

Don’t be shy to clone the repo and snatch the templates you fancy. Or better yet, let them spark your creativity to forge your own. These templates are mere canvases — feel free to paint them with the colours of your project’s unique needs and rhythms.

Wrapping Up: Your Gateway to GitHub Greatness

So, there you have it — your roadmap to mastering pull request templates on GitHub. Remember, these templates aren’t just about keeping things tidy; they’re about elevating the quality of your projects, fostering better communication, and building a collaborative community that thrives on clarity and efficiency.

As you embark on this journey of streamlined collaboration, keep in mind that the power of a well-crafted PR extends far beyond mere code — it’s about weaving the very fabric of a productive, understanding, and engaged team.

So go ahead, give these templates a whirl, adapt them to your heart’s content, and watch as your GitHub collaboration transforms. And hey, while you’re at it, why not drop by the PR-Template-Guide and share your experiences, suggestions, or even your own custom templates? Let's grow this resource together, making the world of open source collaboration a little bit brighter, one pull request at a time.

Happy coding, and here’s to making every pull request a masterpiece!

